Wednesday 18 August 2010

Sexy bike and food poisoning.

The two seem somewhat unconnected, I guess, but they are what has been happening.

I picked the sexy bike up on sunday. It is a Dawes hertiage range 'Duchess' and it is beautiful. I may have kissed and stroked the frame a couple of times while I thought no-one was looking.

It also has a basket. This is the pinnacle of my joy, better than kittens, orgasms and my hirtherto true love/nemesis, chocolate caramel digestives combines.

I needed to practice on my bike, so we cycled out of Norwich. It was smooth and lovely and easy to use, changing gears was a cinch, and because of that I got overconfident and promptly crashed on a sharp corner. I grazed my leg badly, but the bike was fine. I'm sure you all know it was my first concern.

The plan is to start cycling into work, and going on a cycle ride together at least once a week. I'm still finding it hard to remember to exercise very day, but this is something I enjoy so hopefully it'll help. I still regularly eat too much junkfood, but I am slowly cutting down and I'm not being too hard on myself- that way guilt and binge-eating lies.

Now, to food posioning. One of the home-prepared healthy lunches seriously disagreed with me, waking me up at four am to be sick. No more short-dated salmon for me thanks. I was sick till twelve noon, and spent the rest of the day allowing myself whatever  craved, figuring my body probably needed it. This may have led to me eating golden syrup from the tin with a spoon.

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