Monday 28 February 2011

Diet plans and timetables

One of the things I want to use this blog for is a public reminder of what I eat on a given day. Boring to everyone, but keeps me focussed.

So, today:
Breakfast: Half a bowl of porridge with dried fruit, cinnamon and brown sugar
Lunch: Soup with wholemeal bread
Dinner (planned) Grilled chicken and salad
Snacks: Pack of snack-a-jack salt and vinegar, pepperami, two godiva chocolates, clementine.

I went to my Personal Trainer meeting- we checked my overall fitness which was 'poor' on most counts. (I am 44.8% fat) This will be checked again at 9 weeks. I am not to worry about it till then. The people at dynamic fitness ( are excellent and nice- and because it's a small company you'll get exclusive 1-on-1 training and advice. I have had a training timetable drawn up and next week  I will have a full-on personal training session where he works on my strengths and weaknesses and my goal.

Well worth it, if you can afford it.

Signing off, wish me luck.

I'm sorry

Nothings been happening on the weight loss front. Since losing my job, all I've done is sit at home and eat. Luckily, that seems to be changing.

I finally got the courage together to book A personal Training session with the voucher my mum gave me for christmas. I'm going today. My mum has lost nearly a stone in a month with him, I hope mine is as effective.

I'll let you know how it goes after 2.